The Lived Experience of Prisoners in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System: Investigating the Rehabilitation Process and Legal Reforms in Prisons

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Kote Abdoulaye Kote Abdoulaye


The rehabilitation of prisoners within Indonesia's criminal justice system has become a critical focus in efforts to reduce recidivism rates and support social reintegration. Despite legal reforms aimed at improving rehabilitation programs, there remains a significant gap between policy and the direct experiences of inmates. This study employs a phenomenological approach to explore the subjective experiences of prisoners participating in rehabilitation programs. Using semi-structured interviews with 25 participants and participatory observation methods, the research delves into the meanings inmates assign to their rehabilitation process experiences.

The findings reveal that rehabilitation programs are often perceived as superficial, inconsistent, and poorly aligned with the inmates' needs, ultimately reinforcing their frustration and sense of helplessness. While some legal reforms are acknowledged by the inmates, their implementation is perceived as having limited impact on improving rehabilitation experiences. This study underscores the importance of designing rehabilitation programs that are more focused on the emotional and psychological aspects of inmates to support more effective reintegration. These findings contribute to the development of more humane rehabilitation policies that are grounded in individual experiences

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